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First Editions Plum Magic Crape Myrtle Live Shrub (2 Gallon)

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Product Name
First Editions Plum Magic Crape Myrtle Live Shrub (2 Gallon)
Product Description

Plum Magic Crape Myrtle is a semi-dwarf form of crape myrtle blooming in early summer with fuchsia pink flowers. It forms a rounded shrub with a dense full shape. The foliage emerges plum-purple in color and eventually matures to rich dark green nicely setting off the bright flowers. It will bloom again in late summer if the first flush of flowers are deadheaded. It has excellent resistance to leaf spot and powdery mildew and is perfect to add a shot of summer color in a foundation planting or as an informal hedge! Get yours today to intensify and beautify your landscapes and outdoor spaces!

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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