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Pre-Owned Mastering Kindergarten Skills (Paperback) 1420639552 9781420639551

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Product Name
Pre-Owned Mastering Kindergarten Skills (Paperback) 1420639552 9781420639551
Product Description

This series takes a fresh approach to the mastery of grade-specific skills. Each book uses a wide range of activities to spark students interest in learning. As students complete the activities they develop the skills they need to meet academic standards in reading writing math social studies and science. Because the ability levels of students in any one grade level vary each book spans a broad range of skills. Both teachers and parents can use the books to introduce new concepts to assess learning and skill development and to reinforce familiar knowledge. The versatile activities can be used for individual practice test preparation or homework assignments. Complete answer keys are provided.

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Last updated
September 14, 2024

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