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Old Farmer s Old Farmer s Almanac: The 2025 Old Farmer s Almanac Trade Edition (Paperback)

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Product Name
Old Farmer s Old Farmer s Almanac: The 2025 Old Farmer s Almanac Trade Edition (Paperback)
Product Description

In 1792 Robert B. Thomas a bookseller schoolteacher and amateur astronomer living near Boston Massachusetts began a North American institution when he published the first issue of his Farmer s Almanac. (The word Old was added in 1832.) He soon distinguished his Almanac from all others writing in one of the early issues: We must strive always to be useful with a pleasant degree of humor. That timeless formula has made The Old Farmer s Almanac an indispensable reference for generations of readers. Today this Almanac is produced by Yankee Publishing of Dublin New Hampshire as part of a product family that extends its welcome to readers with… a collection of full-color calendars: the wall-style Gardening Country Weather and Moon; the page-per-day Everyday Calendar; and the spiral-hardbound Planner the biennial Old Farmer s Almanac for Kids (Volume 10 is available now!) our Gardener s Handbook series: the Vegetable Gardener s Handbook with timesaving tips and proven techniques for growing 30+ vegetables and herbs; the Flower Gardener s Handbook covering 32 popular flowers and flowering shrubs; and the Container Gardener s Handbook with essential information for growing vegetables fruit herbs and ornamentals in containers outdoors and indoors. Each volume includes soil advice record-keeping pages pest and disease control wisdom and lore and more. the annual Garden Guide for new and experienced growers of herbs fruit vegetables ornamentals houseplants and more the Garden Planner an interactive online resource for essential advice videos year-over-year plot planning journaling and community conversations the all-new Garden Journal a botanical beauty where your ideas will take root with pages for self-expression as well as stunning illustrations and just the right amount of garden wisdom and inspiration EXTRA! a monthly e-magazine for PC Mac tablet and phone a powerful presence on and social media that reaches millions with tried-and-true information for growers and lovers of the natural world Thank you for making this your Almanac. To learn about any of our products visit or call 1-800-ALMANAC option #2.

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March 4, 2025

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