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PELTOR Optime 105 Earmuff 27 dB NRR Black/Red Cap Mount

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Product Name
PELTOR Optime 105 Earmuff 27 dB NRR Black/Red Cap Mount
Product Description

Product Description 3M Peltor Optime 105 cap attached earmuffs feature double-shell technology to provide effective hearing protection. From the Manufacturer 3M Peltor Optime 105 Cap-Mount Earmuffs are recommended for time-weighted average TWA noise exposures up to 105 dBA. The cap-mount design allows for easy use with hard hats with accessory slots. Earcup pivot points tilt for a fit that is customized to each person who wears the earmuffs. The wide foam-filled cushions help create a comfortable noise-blocking seal. These comfort features may encourage a higher rate of hearing protection compliance among workers who require hearing protection. Recommended applications for these earmuffs include chipping chiseling drilling furnace operations grinding heavy equipment operations machining pouring/casting power fastening riveting sanding sawing and welding. These cap-mount earmuffs are commonly used in the following industries: construction general manufacturing mining oil and gas and transportation. For noise exposures up to 105 dBA these lightweight and comfortable Optime 105 earmuffs have a Noise Reduction Rating NRR of 27 dB. The proprietary Twin-Cup design features double-shell technology to provide effective hearing protection. Exposure to loud noises can adversely affect the ability to hear over time. Wearing proper hearing protection devices can help in reducing the harmful effects of noise. Sound levels are expressed in decibels often abbreviated as dB. Higher decibel numbers indicate louder sounds. Typical decibel levels associated with common sounds include: outdoors with no people or traffic 20 dB normal conversation 60 dB power lawn mower 90 dB chain saw 110 dB and 12-gauge shotgun 165 dB. The hearing protector NRR can be used to evaluate different hearing protection options. However the actual level of protection varies depending on fit wearing time and other factors. For more than a century 3M has applied innovation and technology to improving our customers lives and supporting their business goals. Today the company from its headquarters in St. Paul Minnesota serves industrial and commercial customers and consumers in nearly 200 countries. Personal Safety products focused on worker safety include respirators hearing-protection products air-monitoring devices environmental-safety products and comprehensive training programs. The 3M brand across thousands of products represents consistency superior quality and value.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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