Product info
Exterminator! is a clever and edgy satirical novel from the legendary Beat writer William S. Burroughs, known for his groundbreaking work Naked Lunch. The story revolves around a conspiracy to blow up a train packed with nerve gas, setting the stage for a wild ride through a world filled with chaos and dark humor. In this gripping narrative, a seemingly perfect servant reveals his true identity as the devious Dr. Fu Manchu, adding a further layer of intrigue and suspense.
Burroughs weaves together themes of science and fantasy, tackling issues like racism, corporate greed, drug addiction, and the disturbing realities of medical and psychiatric practices. This experimental novel acts like a mosaic, combining various elements into a vivid portrayal of society's nightmares. Readers will find themselves immersed in Burroughs' sharp wit and biting satire as he explores the absurdity of the human condition and the world around us. With his signature style, Burroughs delivers a work that is as thought-provoking as it is entertaining, showcasing his unmatched ability to blend humor with serious themes. Exterminator! stands as a testament to Burroughs' unique voice in literature, making it a must-read for fans and newcomers alike.
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