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Bananas - Thor Ramsey

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Product Name
Bananas - Thor Ramsey
Product Description

Bananas is the apeeling comedy show for the whole family! In this episode host Thor Ramsey takes center stage and is sure to be a hit with audiences of all ages. It s more than just a guy with a mic - it s a variety show featuring interviews of the not-so-serious kind as well as some hilarious unscripted moments caught on tape. From the plains of Nebraska to the pains of Valentines Day Thor finds the humor in the challenges of life. Be it his love of napping or the dog next door Thor will keep you laughing! Best of all its good clean fun for the entire family! Thor Ramsey described as a good-natured funny-bomb has kept audiences laughing for 17 years. His brand of comedy has been described as smart sometimes loud but always straightforward. ; He s appeared on A&E s An Evening at the Improv was a semi-finalist in Comedy Central s Laugh Riots competition and oh yeah he s currently hosting some family-friendly comedy series called Bananas. In addition Thor has received national critical acclaim from such newspapers as the LA Times the Cleveland Plain Dealer and the Washington Post.

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Last updated
March 5, 2025

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