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By Heart: A Mother s Story of Children and Learning at Home

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Product Name
By Heart: A Mother s Story of Children and Learning at Home
Product Description

By Heart shares one family s surprising passage from public school to home-based learning--a journey that explores an educational choice that continues to grow at a phenomenal rate. By Heart shares one family s surprising passage from public school to home-based learning--a journey that takes readers from Bethel Alaska to a Wisconsin farm all the while exploring an educational choice that continues to grow at a phenomenal rate. Parenting place education and culture mingle in this literary narrative. The author addresses issues such as the home school decision schedules and curricula socialization and the economics of co-parenting. Each chapter reads like a fictional account in the life of a home school family. Entertaining inspiring and empowering this title is a delightful and provocative book for parents educators policy makers and readers of memoir.

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Last updated
December 8, 2024

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