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Marques Lattin - Young Gifted N Broke - Music & Performance - Cassette

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Product Name
Marques Lattin - Young Gifted N Broke - Music & Performance - Cassette
Product Description

In this Rarebreed tape release Marques Lattin delivers Young Gifted N Broke 16 timeless beats sewn together highlighting the young producers potential. Marques Lattin controls the swing within the drums like the best and proves it on the tracks like Truth In The Music and Groovin On Adina Ave. Scattered throughout the 21 minute tape are some left field ideas that show Lattin s various ways of getting your head to nod Wind Chills and Sex Stew being two of them. Lastly Lattin is no stranger to the classic timeless sound found in Cry and The Third Eye. The tape features a most promising young producer showcasing why his name belongs in more conversations.

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Last updated
December 7, 2024

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