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Waltercio Caldas in Conversation with Ariel Jiménez (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Waltercio Caldas in Conversation with Ariel Jiménez (Hardcover)
Product Description

Waltercio Caldas (born 1946) is one of Brazil s most recognized and respected contemporary artists. He occupies a key role in the generation that bridges the historical innovations of the Concrete and Neo-Concrete artists of the 1950 and 60s and today s younger artists. In this ninth volume of the Conversaciones series writer curator and art historian Ariel Jiménez engages Caldas in a lively dialogue covering more than five decades of artistic production exploring the connections between perception and history and the way in which artist viewer context and history all play roles in how art is seen and experienced. Combining a formal intelligence eclectic materials and provocative games Caldas works raise subtle questions about the unique nature of art and its place in a world of redundancy.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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