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Van Zyverden Bearded Iris Best Bet Set of 3 Plant Roots Multi-Color Part Sun

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Product Name
Van Zyverden Bearded Iris Best Bet Set of 3 Plant Roots Multi-Color Part Sun
Product Description

Iris Germanica commonly called German Iris is the presumed father of most modern bearded iris cultivars of which there are now thousands to enjoy. German Iris has no bulb as it spreads by creeping rhizomes that form large clumps over time. There are now so many cultivars to choose from that it is often difficult to choose which variety you like best. They naturalize very well with little to no effort. Bearded Iris bloom descriptions consist of falls beards and standards and become quite technical especially by iris lovers. Let s enjoy them for what they are showy fragrant perennials that are both deer and drought resistant. Best Bet is a superb variety that blooms twice a year and was chosen for it unique coloring.

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Last updated
December 4, 2024

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