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Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 + Arcade Game Series Playstation 4

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Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 + Arcade Game Series Playstation 4
Product Description

A new sequel in the highly acclaimed PAC-MAN Championship Edition series finally comes to next-generation consoles! Taking highlights from the past PAC-MAN Championship Edition 2 takes the best aspects from Championship Edition and Championship Edition DX and evolves the game for the future! Featuring eye-popping 3D graphics and funky visuals the latest version of the classic game takes chomping and chasing through mazes to a whole new level! Get on the train a new PAC experience is here! First appearing in arcades in 1980 the masterpiece PAC-MAN finally comes to PS4 and Xbox One! Move PAC-MAN to eat all the Pac-Dots while avoiding the ghosts to advance to the next stage. Eat a Power Pellet to turn the tables on the ghosts and rack up a huge score! This latest port comes with scanline and sound settings and the option to play with the Round 256 bug perfect for PAC-MANiacs! Experience the masterpiece that charmed the planet! Experience the shining star of 80 s arcades for yourself! First appearing in arcades in 1982 Dig Dug finally comes to PS4 and Xbox One! Dig up down left and right and burrow through the earth. Inflate and pop enemies with your harpoon to defeat them or squish them with a rock. Lure enemies into a tunnel and crush several at once for massive points. This latest port comes with scanline and sound settings and the option to switch between the old and new versions perfect for devoted diggers! Enjoy the masterpiece that fervent fans have flocked to play!

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Last updated
March 11, 2025

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