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The Divine Sting : God is Unimaginably Great (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Divine Sting : God is Unimaginably Great (Paperback)
Product Description

Are beliefs in God and in the soul merely relics of pre-scientific superstition? After all in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries-the so-called age of science -we know that science can be proven by its fruits: it s helped us split the atom and put men on the moon. Religious faith on the other hand couldn t accomplish these feats. This conflict leaves modern-day Christians challenged by materialist atheists who claim that faith in God has been discredited by modern physics and psychology. The Divine Sting answers their challenge. Contrary to what most Christians think belief in God and the soul need not remain matters of religious faith. In fact it is the atheists themselves who ignore Einstein s shocking revelation about modern science-that the physical universe including the human body and its brain have never been observed. We have rather only observed mental effects whose source we can only guess at. Atheists naive claims about scientific observation are themselves nothing less than an article of anti-scientific faith. By integrating facts traditionally segregated into categories of philosophy versus theology versus modern science The Divine Sting will assist you in discovering for yourself how to convert faith in God and belief in the soul into solid impregnable and justifiably certain science.

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Last updated
December 4, 2024

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