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Serious Cryptography : A Practical Introduction to Modern Encryption (Paperback)

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Product Name
Serious Cryptography : A Practical Introduction to Modern Encryption (Paperback)
Product Description

This practical guide to modern encryption breaks down the fundamental mathematical concepts at the heart of cryptography without shying away from meaty discussions of how they work. You ll learn about authenticated encryption secure randomness hash functions block ciphers and public-key techniques such as RSA and elliptic curve cryptography. You ll also learn: - Key concepts in cryptography such as computational security attacker models and forward secrecy - The strengths and limitations of the TLS protocol behind HTTPS secure websites - Quantum computation and post-quantum cryptography - About various vulnerabilities by examining numerous code examples and use cases - How to choose the best algorithm or protocol and ask vendors the right questions Each chapter includes a discussion of common implementation mistakes using real-world examples and details what could go wrong and how to avoid these pitfalls. Whether you re a seasoned practitioner or a beginner looking to dive into the field Serious Cryptography will provide a complete survey of modern encryption and its applications.

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December 6, 2024

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