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Steven Halpern - Relax Into Sleep - Music & Performance - CD

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Product Name
Steven Halpern - Relax Into Sleep - Music & Performance - CD
Product Description

An effective drug-free musical solution to overcome chronic sleep deficiency. Relax into Sleep features Brain-Balancing music and delta range brainwave entrainment tones that quiets your mind and relaxes your body. Steven Halpern is the world s leading composer of music for relaxation and sleep. More people go to sleep with Steven s music than any other composer living or dead and so will you Many people never consider using music to help them fall asleep instead of taking OTC and prescription drugs. Indeed most music includes hidden stress factors built into the melodic and harmonic structure that keep the mind active and keep you awake. Steven Halpern s music is different. It s unique sound and structure relieves stress on contact. Relax into Sleep offers a dreamy pillow of sound that features the Rhodes electric piano atmospheric keyboard and bamboo flute. Note: Not intended as a substitute for medical care. Do not listen while driving.

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Last updated
December 9, 2024

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