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Final Wishes Organizer: Comprehensive Estate & Will Planning Workbook (Medical / DNR Assets Insurance Legal Loose Ends Funeral Plan Last Wishes Planner 8.5x11) (Paperback)

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Product Name
Final Wishes Organizer: Comprehensive Estate & Will Planning Workbook (Medical / DNR Assets Insurance Legal Loose Ends Funeral Plan Last Wishes Planner 8.5x11) (Paperback)
Product Description

Estate and Will Planning Organizer for Peace of Mind ...and Heart for All Involved This Planner includes everything your loved ones need to know and do incase of emergency or upon your passing and includes space for writing personal messages should you desire to do so in this book. Our goal is to relieve the burden on both yourself and your loved ones during difficult days ensuring all essential relevant estate and final wishes information is in one easy to access place. We have included numerous prompts to help when filling in your details in order to promote a stress-free smooth process. We have also added additional space per section to ensure it is easy to adapt and customize to your own specific needs. Topics include: Personal identification details What to do and who to call at the time of passing Important medical information (DNR organ donor instructions what to do if incapacitated healthcare power of attorney contact Etc.) Place of Worship (Charities Tithing Legacy and Other Related Topics) Insurance Information Business / Employer and Banking Information Instructions for Dependents and Guardianship (children pets and other responsibilities) Location of important documentation and instructions Key contacts information Loose ends to tie up with account and log in information Final wishes and instructions for funeral burial and celebration of life Final farewell messages to loved ones ...and more We hope this planner offers the peace of mind - and heart - it was designed to in knowing that your wishes and instructions are documented and easy to share. Warmest regards from all of us at Peace of Mind and Heart Planners

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March 4, 2025

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