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WWE Stamper Figures 12pk Undertaker John Cena Cake Toppers PMI International

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Product Name
WWE Stamper Figures 12pk Undertaker John Cena Cake Toppers PMI International
Product Description

WWE Stamper Figures 12pk Undertaker John Cena Cake Toppers PMI International Become a Part of the Sensation Nothing gets blood pumping like a WWE match. Your WWE stampers let you fight along with your favorites with self-inked stamp bottoms and action figure tops. Decorate and dominate with WWE! Equipped with self-inking your WWE stampers imprint a punch of personality into any project. At the bottom of your figure is a stamp of that champions face with enough black red purple or blue ink to last about 200 stamps. Strengthen letterheads empower school papers decorate crafts and much more! Show off your brawny decorations around the room try them as a WWE cake topper or put them to work as game props. Manufacturer: PMI International Model: WWE Stamper Figures 12pk

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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