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Philips Avent Ultra Soft Snuggle Pacifier Holder with Detachable Pacifier Elephant 0-6M SCF348/03

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Product Name
Philips Avent Ultra Soft Snuggle Pacifier Holder with Detachable Pacifier Elephant 0-6M SCF348/03
Product Description

Soft cuddly and so lovable the Philips Avent ultra soft snuggle SCF348/03 is the perfect first friend for baby. It makes ultra soft - the softest pacifier for greater comfort accepted by 98% of babies* - easy for parents and babies to find. It also keeps the pacifier close to baby. The pacifier and stuffed animal detach and can easily be cleaned separately. Just sterilize the pacifier in boiling water or a sterilizing bag and toss the stuffed animal in the washing machine. Then leave it out to air dry. The stuffed animal has a second attachment mechanism for one-piece Soothies with tabs. Ultra soft snuggle is BPA free. Contains all new material. REG. NO. : PA-18947 (CN) *2016 - 2017 U.S. home placement tests show an average of 98% acceptance of the textured nipple used in our ultra air and ultra soft pacifiers. What s in the box: 1 plush toy and 1 ultra soft pacifier. Unisex Philips Avent Pacifier

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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