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Fresh Sliced Baby Bella Mushrooms, 8 oz

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Product Name
Fresh Sliced Baby Bella Mushrooms, 8 oz
Product Description

Experience the fresh taste of Sliced Brown Mushrooms. Brown mushrooms look similar in size and shape to white mushrooms but they're heartier and provide a deep earthy taste. They are just like portabella mushrooms but have been harvested just a few days before becoming large enough to fit a burger. This means they have that same firm, meaty texture you love about portabella caps, just in a tasty bite-size form. Pre-sliced, their hearty, full-bodied taste makes them an excellent addition to beef, wild game, and vegetable dishes. Plus, mushrooms are a natural source of the antioxidant selenium, making them an excellent addition to your diet. For a natural ingredient that will bring a marvelous taste and texture to your meal, be sure to try Sliced Brown Mushrooms.

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Last updated
March 12, 2025

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