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Artist Edition: Jim Lee s X-Men Artist s Edition (Hardcover)

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Artist Edition: Jim Lee s X-Men Artist s Edition (Hardcover)
Product Description

Jim Lee has been drawing comics for more than 30 years and is one of the most popular comic book artists of all time. The impact his dynamic artwork has had on the comics industry--to his legions of fans and the artists who have been inspired and emulate him--is truly immeasurable. And in a career filled with highlights his work on the X-Men is arguably his most popular and enduring. This very special Artist s Edition features Jim s stellar work on the X-Men including the complete oversized X-Men #1--still the bestselling comic book of the modern era! Additionally there will be covers splash pages pin-ups and interior pages by Lee doing what he does best--creating great comics. Each page has been meticulously scanned from Jim s original art for this book... affording the reader a keen insight into his creative process never before available outside of original art collectors. Produced in the one-and-only accept-no-imitations multi-Eisner Award-winning Artist s Edition format. For any fan of Jim Lee this book will soon become a cherished centerpiece of your collection!

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Last updated
December 5, 2024

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