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The Woman with the Alabaster Jar : Mary Magdalen and the Holy Grail (Paperback)

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The Woman with the Alabaster Jar : Mary Magdalen and the Holy Grail (Paperback)
Product Description

Margaret Starbird s theological beliefs were profoundly shaken when she read Holy Blood Holy Grail a book that dared to suggest that Jesus Christ was married to Mary Magdalen and that their descendants carried on his holy bloodline in Western Europe. Shocked by such heresy this Roman Catholic scholar set out to refute it but instead found new and compelling evidence for the existence of the bride of Jesus--the same enigmatic woman who anointed him with precious unguent from her alabaster jar. In this provocative book Starbird draws her conclusions from an extensive study of history heraldry symbolism medieval art mythology psychology and the Bible itself. The Woman with the Alabaster Jar is a quest for the forgotten feminine--in the hope that its return will help restore a healthy balance to planet Earth.

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March 4, 2025

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