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Walk of the Spirits (Paperback)

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Product Name
Walk of the Spirits (Paperback)
Product Description

When Miranda Barnes first sees the sleepy town of St. Yvette Louisiana with its moss-draped trees above-ground cemeteries and her grandfather s creepy historic home she realizes that life as she knew it is officially over. Almost immediately there seems to be something cloying at her. Something lonely and sad and . . . very pressing. Even at school and in the group project she s been thrown into she can t escape it. Whispers when she s alone shadows when no one is there to make them and a distant pleading voice that wakes her from sleep. The other members in Miranda s group project especially handsome Etienne can see that Miranda is in distress. She is beginning to understand that like her grandfather before her she has a special gift of communicating with spirits who still walk the town of St. Yvette. And no matter where she turns Miranda feels bound by their whispered pleas for help . . . unless she can somehow find a way to bring them peace.

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Last updated
November 27, 2024

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