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Kaytee Forti-Diet Clean Comfort Small Animal Bedding Natural 72L

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Product Name
Kaytee Forti-Diet Clean Comfort Small Animal Bedding Natural 72L
Product Description

Kaytee Forti Diet Clean Comfort Natural small pet paper bedding gives you a whole new standard in super-soft and absorbent bedding. Clean Comfort is soft and fluffy to encourage burrowing or nesting while absorbing two times more liquid than wood shavings or 5 times its weight in liquid. Clean Comfort s absorbency means less odor. That s why Clean Comfort has an odor control guarantee or your money back. Plus Clean Comfort is 99% dust free for a cleaner and safer cage. Perfect for pet hamsters mice gerbils rabbits guinea pigs chinchillas and ferrets. Kaytee understands that sharing your life with a pet is not only enjoyable but very enriching. Kaytee shows our love by ensuring we provide your pet with the best products for a long and healthy life. With over 150 years of experience it s no wonder why Kaytee is at the heart of every healthy small pet care routine.

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Last updated
March 12, 2025

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