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1-2-3 Magic (DVD)

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1-2-3 Magic (DVD)
Product Description

Based on the bestselling parenting book 1-2-3 Magic--now available on DVD! Includes English and Spanish 1-2-3 Magic made parenting fun again. I highly recommend this book to any parent who is spending more time yelling at or nagging their children than smiling at and laughing with them. All I have to say is that the ideas in this book really WORK! It really is like magic! It s such a relief to not feel like I m constantly yelling at someone! If you want to see a fast improvement in your child s behavior check out 1-2-3 Magic. 1-2-3 Magic allows you to get back in charge of your home and enjoy your kids again by helping you set limits for your children by managing their difficult behavior. You ll find tools to use in virtually every situation including advice for common problems such as: Whining Sibling rivalry Reluctance to do chores Talking back Stubbornness For years millions of parents from all over the world have used the award-winning 1-2-3 Magic program to help them raise happier healthier families and put the fun back into parenting.

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Last updated
December 8, 2024

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