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Fair Future : Resource Conflicts Security and Global Justice (Paperback)

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Product Name
Fair Future : Resource Conflicts Security and Global Justice (Paperback)
Product Description

The world has enough for everyone s needs but not enough for everyone s greed. Mahatma Gandhi Oil crisis water conflicts declining food security - we hear one report after another about resource scarcity - while with growing populations and huge poverty nations are demanding their right to development. In the age of globalization this right cannot be disputed yet the planet is already exhibiting signs of acute environmental stress. Indians want more roads and Chinese more oil: the struggle over nature will partly shape the crises of the twenty-first century. Clashes over resources both major and minor are often the unseen factor behind chaos and violence and it is vital to start thinking about how the distribution of resources can be made more just. This book written by specialists from the internationally renowned Wuppertal Institute provides an account of what is involved in the resource conflicts of today and tomorrow. It puts forwards perspectives for resource justice and outlines a global economic and environmental policy equally committed to nature and to humanity. This new work rich in analysis and information offers a compass to anyone looking for ways in which global society might face the challenge of the future.

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Last updated
December 6, 2024

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