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I ll Love You Forever (Paperback)

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Product Name
I ll Love You Forever (Paperback)
Product Description

After a loved one dies I feel we all ask the same questions Will we ever see them again? This is a true story of the journey that I was part of after my father Thomas Strong Sr. was diagnosed with cancer on January 19 1989. For the following nine months I watched this kind loving and wonderful husband father grandfather and friend go through months of agonizing pain and then his passing. But through all of this he remained a remarkable man giving us strength when we needed it and always remaining faithful and loving to God. I had no idea what I was about to witness when I looked in on him in his room on the morning of May 18 1989. Please read his story and pass it on to a family member or friend so that you and others may also be given the strength to remain hopeful and faithful during a very difficult and painful time. I promise you that you will see your loved one again; my father told me so...

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December 5, 2024

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