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Techniques of Writing: Business Letters Memos and Reports (Paperback)

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Product Name
Techniques of Writing: Business Letters Memos and Reports (Paperback)
Product Description

Techniques of Writing Business Letters Memos and Reports is a concise supplemental text covering the basics of effective business writing in these three essential areas. The text eases the job of teaching as students are not only told what to do they are shown step-by-step. Short applications-oriented exercises enable students to practice what they have learned and allow instructors to pinpoint areas which require more work. In this book Courtland L. Bovee reveals the following secrets of successful writing that help students become better business writers: * Action-oriented phrases that sell ideas and motivate others to do what you want them to do. * Three words that can destroy favorable reactions to what you write. * How to turn negative words into positive words. * A simple formula that makes your writing more readable. * How to keep your business associates and customers happy--even when you have to criticize scold or decline a request. * Writing shortcuts that put across your ideas quickly and concisely. * Writing tips that turn adversaries into friends. How to make written communication work for you instead of against you.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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