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Dr. Brown s Milestones Narrow Sippy Straw Bottle 100% Silicone Handles 8oz/250ml Blue/Gray 2 Pack

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Product Name
Dr. Brown s Milestones Narrow Sippy Straw Bottle 100% Silicone Handles 8oz/250ml Blue/Gray 2 Pack
Product Description

Dr. Brown s Milestones Sippy Straw Bottle is the easy way to help baby develop new drinking skills! Baby can continue to use the bottle they love while transitioning from bottle to big kid drinking. The soft silicone weighted straw moves to follow liquid inside the bottle so baby can tilt and sip while transitioning from tipping the bottle upside-down to sipping upright. Soft yet sturdy silicone handles make gripping easy and help teach baby new motor skills. The spill-proof lid is travel-friendly and slides closed to keep the straw clean when not in use. Both the sippy straw lid and silicone handles fit all Dr. Brown s Options+ 8 oz/250 mL baby bottles and sippy spout bottles. Straw cleaning brush included. Dishwasher (top rack) and sterilizer safe. BPA-free. 6m+.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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