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Ashthorpe 38-Inch Beginner Acoustic Guitar Starter Package Brown

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Product Name
Ashthorpe 38-Inch Beginner Acoustic Guitar Starter Package Brown
Product Description

The perfect beginner guitar! Ashthorpe s 38-inch acoustic guitar arrives ready-to-play right out of the box. This kid s guitar kit includes all accessories needed to start playing. The traditional classic body style is great for students and teens learning to play guitar. Crafted with high-quality tonewoods for versatility and warmth with a high-gloss finish for a polished and professional look this guitar is ideal for beginners. Note: The guitar will arrive out-of-tune because the installed strings are new; this is normal. However after the guitar has been played for a few weeks the strings will begin to stretch and require less tuning while playing.

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Last updated
December 9, 2024

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