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Pre-Owned McGraw-Hill s Chinese Pronunciation [With CDROM] (Paperback) 0071627367 9780071627368

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Product Name
Pre-Owned McGraw-Hill s Chinese Pronunciation [With CDROM] (Paperback) 0071627367 9780071627368
Product Description

The key to correct Chinese pronunciation-- through sight and sound In Mandarin Chinese the word ma can mean four different things depending on the tone (the pitch)-- mother hemp horse or to scold --even though the pronunciation is the same. If you are not a native speaker of Chinese you may find this aspect of learning the language daunting. McGraw-Hill s Chinese Pronunciation makes it easier for you to pronounce Chinese words correctly. You are first introduced to the simple sounds; you then learn their combinations and correct tones. Vibrant illustrations in the book and video demonstrations on the CD-ROM even show tongue placement and mouth shapes to help you get the words right.

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September 15, 2024

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