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Pre-Owned Teach Yourself Teaching English as a Foreign/Second Language (Paperback) 0071384456 9780071384452

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Product Name
Pre-Owned Teach Yourself Teaching English as a Foreign/Second Language (Paperback) 0071384456 9780071384452
Product Description

This new edition of Teach EFL is the ultimate practical reference guide to becoming an EFL teacher. Riddell s book is a classic - it answers all those questions new language teachers have....covers an amazing amount in a clear accessible way. David Carr Director of Teacher Training International House London This book is packed with information on: -effective teaching techniques. -sound classroom management. -practical lesson planning. -successful job hunting and career development. This is an indispensable book for all new EFL teachers: a step-by-step guide on what to teach and how to teach it. This edition has been fully revised to include: -insights from teachers working around the world. -up-to-date information on technology as an aid to learning. -comprehensive information on the increasingly popular task-based learning. -invaluable advice on making the transition from learning to teaching. -clear guidance on ongoing professional development. -useful examples of teaching in different international contexts. Rely on Teach Yourself trusted by learners for over 75 years.

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December 6, 2024

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