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Shorts & Briefs (Paperback)

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Shorts & Briefs (Paperback)
Product Description

MALBIHN - Hired to seek out a fortune and a myth a ruthless man finds more than he bargained for in the Arizona wilderness. THE TAVERN - They say you can never go back and maybe you shouldn t. Jonathan Moran finds a portal to the past and maybe a date with destiny. THE LITTLEST SNOWMAN ON RT 66 - A girl has a hard time adjusting to a family move until she accidentally applies a little magic and finds a true friend and... STOWAWAY SUZI - A widower raising his 12 year old son gets a big surprise when he returns to their ranch. ALIEN HEREDITY - An alien world goes into chaos for reasons beyond understanding or control. AND THE MEEK SHALL INHERIT - A cosmic error is rectified on an infinitesimal planet in a tiny solar system on the fringe of a small galaxy. Some call it Earth. SERGEANT BACHMAN - When traditional methods fail a man searching for information about the father he never knew turns to other means and embarks on a fascinating but frightening journey.

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Last updated
March 15, 2025

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