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Plustek OpticFilm 8200i SE - 35mm Film & Slide Scanner. 7200 dpi / 48-bit Output. Integrated Infrared Dust/Scratch Removal. Bundle Silverfast SE Plus 8.8 Support Mac and PC.

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Product Name
Plustek OpticFilm 8200i SE - 35mm Film & Slide Scanner. 7200 dpi / 48-bit Output. Integrated Infrared Dust/Scratch Removal. Bundle Silverfast SE Plus 8.8 Support Mac and PC.
Product Description

The OpticFilm 8200i SE is a high-performance 35mm film and slide scanner that outputs brilliant digital images from analog film. It’s ideal for digitizing slides color film and black and white film. It’s the perfect scanner for professional and amature film photographers and people that simply want to convert their old film and slides to digital format. The OpticFilm 8200i SE uses a CCD sensor with 7200dpi high-resolution specifically designed for film scanning with 48-bit color bit depth that captures all the details from the original film. The scanner’s infrared channel removes dust and scratches eliminated the need for extensive post-processing correction.

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Last updated
December 14, 2024

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