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Cricut® Aluminum Sheets 8 x 8 (2 Count)

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Product Name
Cricut® Aluminum Sheets 8 x 8 (2 Count)
Product Description

Hey you new future or veteran engraver. Here s your blank slate – a canvas for custom wall art your framed original your next big wow. Use these aluminum sheets to unveil your creative vision using Cricut Maker and Engraving Tool. Engrave an intricate pattern a detailed design or poetic prose to reveal the beautiful metallic base color beneath. Or imagine the possibilities when you choose to use one as a blank for your next Infusible Ink™ or dye sublimation project before engraving! Each sheet makes an incredible embellished cover for a scrapbook or a family photo album and they stand alone spectacularly as your fine art project for someone very special (of course that includes you). Do it. Scratch that creative itch. It will feel amazing. Infusible Ink compatible blank. For use with Cricut Maker machines and Engraving Tool only. Note: Do not cut Aluminum Sheets using Cricut blades. Doing so may result in damage to your blade and machine.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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