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Decathlon Quechua Air seconds 7in Inflatable Camping Mattress Quick Inflating 2 Person Queen Blue

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Product Name
Decathlon Quechua Air seconds 7in Inflatable Camping Mattress Quick Inflating 2 Person Queen Blue
Product Description

Going on your next camping trip and looking for a durable comfortable and easily accessible sleeping camping mattress? Our team of engineers has designed and developed our Decathlon Quechua Air seconds 7in Inflatable Camping Mattress Quick Inflating 2 Person Queen Blue is perfect for outdoor or indoor use. Durability for a camping mattress is key for a night s rest. Our mattress has been tested to withstand the 80 inflation/deflation cycles. With the ability to inflate under 30 seconds for a quick setup or deflate in seconds when removing the valve for quick packing! Have a great night s rest under the stars with our twin sizes camping mattress.

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Last updated
March 13, 2025

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