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Children's Robitussin Kids Cough and Cold Medicine for Day and Night Relief Syrup, 4 fl oz, 2 Pack

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Product Name
Children's Robitussin Kids Cough and Cold Medicine for Day and Night Relief Syrup, 4 fl oz, 2 Pack
Product Description

Children's Cough and Chest Congestion Medicine Children's Robitussin DM Day and Night Cough Relief Value Pack provides cough medicine with all the cough-relieving power of Robitussin in a convenient variety pack. This day and night cold medicine pack includes Children's Robitussin DM Cough and Chest Congestion that contains an expectorant and cough suppressant, and Children's Robitussin Nighttime Cough Long-Acting DM that combines an antihistamine with a cough suppressant. Easy to take Children's Robitussin DM daytime cold and cough medicine for kids helps loosen phlegm and temporarily relieves cough due to minor throat and bronchial irritation as may occur with a cold, and provides dry cough relief. Children's Robitussin Nighttime Cough Long-Acting DM relieves upper respiratory symptoms such as runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes and itching of the nose or throat at night. With an effective non drowsy cough medicine formula that has a liquid expectorant and cough suppressant, Children's Robitussin DM Day Cough Medicine helps children feel better during the day and Children's Robitussin DM Night helps them rest at night while cold symptoms persist. For cough and chest congestion relief, give 5 mL of Children's Robitussin DM Cough and Congestion to children 4 to under 6 years, 10 mL to children ages 6 to under 12 and 20 mL to adults and children 12 years and over every four hours. Do not take more than 6 doses in any 24-hour period. Children under 4 years do not use, measure only with dosing cup provided, keep dosing cup with product. For up to eight hours of nighttime relief, give 10 mL of Children's Robitussin DM Nighttime Cough to children ages 6 to under 12 or 20 mL to adults and children 12 years and over every six hours. Do not take more than 4 doses in any 24-hour period. Children under 6 years do not use. Delivering cough relief for more than 70 years, Robitussin has the product you need to treat your specific cough, cold, sore throat or flu symptoms for day and night relief. Robitussin calms coughs down.

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Last updated
March 10, 2025

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