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We Got This : (Workbook for Grade 7 Students) Student Appreciation Techniques for Handling Conflict (Paperback)

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We Got This : (Workbook for Grade 7 Students) Student Appreciation Techniques for Handling Conflict (Paperback)
Product Description

We Got This is both a workbook and a student portfolio that can be used along with classroom communication arts lesson plans or separately. It is designed for convenience of teacher instruction. Its goal for readers is threefold: how to begin again when to follow and when to lead and weighing options for success. About the Author Linda M. Davis earned a bachelor of science degree in education from Harris Stowe College in St. Louis Missouri and a master of education degree from National-Louis University in Evanston Illinois. She served as a chairperson for St. Louis Accelerated Schools and co-authored Creating a Literacy-Centered Classroom. In 2012 she published Conflict Mediation: Student Appreciation Techniques for Handling Conflict a workbook/portfolio for students in grades 3 through 5.

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December 14, 2024

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