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Smarts & Crafts Make Your Own Black and White Craft Kit (233 Pieces)

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Product Name
Smarts & Crafts Make Your Own Black and White Craft Kit (233 Pieces)
Product Description

All of the supplies in this kit are the foundation for a crazy crafting session from printed pattern papers to bold beads! This craft kit also includes instructions on how to create a hypnotizing pair of gyro glasses a zany zebra a fancy fashionista and a peppy penguin. Use these crafts as building blocks and see what other things you can make either from your imagination or the world around you! You can use your crafted characters to create your own black and white movie complete with scenery. No camera? No problem! Try writing out the storyline and acting it out like a play for your friends or family. This product is recommended for girls and boys ages 6 and up and does not include glue.

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Last updated
February 21, 2025

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