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Marvel Avengers Ice Tray Silicone Molds 7 Pack - Ironman Spiderman Hulk Captain America Black Panther Thor and X-Men Emblem

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Product Name
Marvel Avengers Ice Tray Silicone Molds 7 Pack - Ironman Spiderman Hulk Captain America Black Panther Thor and X-Men Emblem
Product Description

These Superhero silicone molds are the perfect addition to your kitchen. Use them to make ice cubes chocolates candy and gelatin molds. Perfect for anyone who likes to have fun and be unique in the kitchen. Or add them to your art and craft collection to make crayons and more. Prefect for kitchen or art molds you can pick from a wide variety of quality silicone trays with multiple themes available. With styles ranging from assorted avengers to justice league these silicone mold trays are perfect for gifting. Made of food grade silicone these trays are tasteless non-toxic anti-dust eco-friendly reusable and durable. They re not only convenient but safe for you and your family. Freezer-safe. BPA Free

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Last updated
February 20, 2025

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