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Modern Family: The Complete Series (DVD)

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Product Name
Modern Family: The Complete Series (DVD)
Product Description

Includes all 251 episodes from 11 seasons on 34 discs. Modern Family premiered on ABC in 2009 and has become a hit for all ages. The show revolves around the family unit as it is in modern life today. One of the families is a gay couple that are learning to love life together while going through normal family difficulties. Another of the families in the show is an older man who has married a woman many years his younger. They must learn to deal with all the difficulties of step-parenting as well as their age differences. The third family is more of a normal family with both parents and a couple of children but they too must learn to deal with problems as work and day to day stresses put pressures on their family. This Modern Family DVD set includes every episode from the first 11 seasons.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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