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Forensic Art and Illustration (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Forensic Art and Illustration (Hardcover)
Product Description

As the number of stranger-on-stranger crimes increases solving these crimes becomes more challenging. Forensic illustration has become increasingly important as a tool in identifying both perpetrators and victims. Now a leading forensic artist who has taught this subject at law enforcement academies schools and universities internationally offers readers the benefit of her extensive knowledge and experience. Forensic Art and Illustration is the first book to provide complete coverage of all aspects of the field and includes much previously unavailable information. Beginning with the first-ever in-depth documentation of the history of forensic art this book proceeds logically through explanations of facial anatomy practical methodologies and techniques case examples and a glossary of terms. More than 700 illustrations and photographs depict art methods used in identifying and locating crime victims and criminal offenders. Numerous successful examples taken from actual solved cases demonstrate applications of the methods and techniques presented. Ideal for both forensic artists who want to improve their skills and those who work with them in law enforcement Forensic Art and Illustration is a practical guide as well as a complete look at the state of the art of forensic illustration today.

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Last updated
September 24, 2024

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