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50 Creative Training Openers and Energizers: Innovative Ways to Start Your Training with a Bang! (Paperback)

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50 Creative Training Openers and Energizers: Innovative Ways to Start Your Training with a Bang! (Paperback)
Product Description

Open your next training session with a BANG! One of the hardest tasks you ll face as a trainer is pullingparticipants thoughts away their daily duties long enough toengage them in your training. According to training master BobPike two of the most important learning concepts are primacy and recency. People don t remember middles; they remember beginnings( primacy ) and ends ( recency ). That s why if you want yourtraining to be a success you have to gain their attention as soonas they walk in the door. Following up on the success of 50 Creative Training Closers themost trusted and recognized names in training bring you 50 CreativeTraining Openers and Energizers. These lively interactive sessionopeners ice breakers and attention grabbers are what you need toinspire continued application learning and skill development. Andyou don t have to be a professional trainer to use thiscollection--business presenters and educators of all kinds canimmediately incorporate these creative designs into their work.

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March 4, 2025

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