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The Child Custody Book : How to Protect Your Children and Win Your Case (Paperback)

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The Child Custody Book : How to Protect Your Children and Win Your Case (Paperback)
Product Description

It is almost always in your children s best interest to settle a case--with or without mediation--rather than to litigate in court said Judge Stewart. His book fully clearly and concisely explains the process of court child custody litigation. It shows how custody decisions are made what can be expected at each stage of the process and how parents can insure that their abilities are clearly presented to persons with influence over the custody decision. It is intended to eliminate surprises that could lead to costly mistakes along the way. Parents who settle custody disputes out of court will not only save tens of thousands of dollars but will have avoided the rancor and hostility of a custody trial that makes future cooperation in raising the children almost impossible. With help from a capable and experienced attorney this book will allow the reader to present her/his case for custody in its best possible light. A must-read for divorcing parents custody evaluators family psychologists and marriage and family therapists.

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March 4, 2025

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