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Cult Classics Collection 4 Movie Pack

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Product Name
Cult Classics Collection 4 Movie Pack
Product Description

stomer Reviews 4.0 out of 5 stars (1) 4.0 out of 5 stars 5 star 0 4 star 1 3 star 02 star 01 star 0 See the customer review Share your thoughts with other customers Write a customer review Most Helpful Customer Reviews 4.0 out of 5 stars Weird = Cult August 25 2007 By Annie Van Auken TOP 100 REVIEWERVINE VOICE Format:DVD CULT CLASSICS COLLECTION consists of two silent features another from the 1930s and an early-60s issue. All four have rightfully attained cult status over the years for varying reasons. SYNOPSES: The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari - German Expressionist cinema at its finest and one of the greatest horror films ever made. The use of pioneering camera techniques distorted buildings an eerily atmospheric story and bizarre last reel plot twists make this one unforgettable! Hunchbacked Dr. Caligari s sleepwalker predicts deaths hours before they occur. Dementia 13 - Roger Corman s young assistant Francis Coppola was allowed to make this right after he finished work on Corman s latest film. It s the story of a tragedy-plagued family living in a creepy old Irish castle. Nosferatu - An unauthorized retelling of Bram Stoker s Dracula. Vampire Count Orlok makes victims of an unsuspecting realtor and his wife who are visiting the Count s creepy castle. (In the 1920s Bram Stoker s heirs tried but failed to have all copies of Nosferatu seized and destroyed.) Reefer Madness - For decades a staple of college film festivals this strange film was meant to be an anti-marijuana message movie but today plays like a very campy comedy. Learn the hazards that lay in wait for all dope fiends.

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March 3, 2025

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