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Devices Circuits and Systems: Circuits at the Nanoscale: Communications Imaging and Sensing (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Devices Circuits and Systems: Circuits at the Nanoscale: Communications Imaging and Sensing (Hardcover)
Product Description

Circuits for Emerging Technologies Beyond CMOS New exciting opportunities are abounding in the field of body area networks wireless communications data networking and optical imaging. In response to these developments top-notch international experts in industry and academia present Circuits at the Nanoscale: Communications Imaging and Sensing. This volume unique in both its scope and its focus addresses the state-of-the-art in integrated circuit design in the context of emerging systems. A must for anyone serious about circuit design for future technologies this book discusses emerging materials that can take system performance beyond standard CMOS. These include Silicon on Insulator (SOI) Silicon Germanium (SiGe) and Indium Phosphide (InP). Three-dimensional CMOS integration and co-integration with Microelectromechanical (MEMS) technology and radiation sensors are described as well. Topics in the book are divided into comprehensive sections on emerging design techniques mixed-signal CMOS circuits circuits for communications and circuits for imaging and sensing. Dr. Krzysztof Iniewski is a director at CMOS Emerging Technologies Inc. a consulting company in Vancouver British Columbia. His current research interests are in VLSI ciruits for medical applications. He has published over 100 research papers in international journals and conferences and he holds 18 international patents granted in the United States Canada France Germany and Japan. In this volume he has assembled the contributions of over 60 world-reknown experts who are at the top of their field in the world of circuit design advancing the bank of knowledge for all who work in this exciting and burgeoning area.

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March 4, 2025

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