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Pygeum Africanum Bark 4000mg | 200 Capsules | High Potency Extract | by Carlyle

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Product Name
Pygeum Africanum Bark 4000mg | 200 Capsules | High Potency Extract | by Carlyle
Product Description

What is Pygeum? Pygeum is a traditional herb that is produced from the bark of the Pygeum African evergreen tree native to central and southern Africa. This bark contains naturally occurring beta-sitosterol, one of many phytosterols or plant compounds revered in men's wellness traditions.* It's often combined with other herbs like Saw Palmetto or taken in a standalone supplement. How to get Pygeum: Now Pygeum can now be found in various products like tea, tablets, powders, extracts, capsules and more. Carlyle makes it easier than ever to get a potent form of this herb in one convenient supplement. How is our formula unique? Carlyle's Pygeum: Our formula delivers Pygeum bark. Quick-release capsules make it super simple to add to your daily regimen. It's Gluten-Free, Non-GMO and contains no sweetener or preservatives. Perfect for men everywhere looking to harness the power of this incredible herb!

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Last updated
March 12, 2025

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