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Songbird Selections Premium Protein with Mealworms Wild Bird Seed Wild Bird Food 5 lb

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Product Name
Songbird Selections Premium Protein with Mealworms Wild Bird Seed Wild Bird Food 5 lb
Product Description

Songbird Selections Premium Protein is a premium wild bird food with mealworms to tempt insect-eaters like bluebirds and warblers. The blend contains sunflower seeds and mixed nuts for a high-protein punch and vitamins and minerals to promote a healthy reproductive system while having NO corn milo or fillers. Songbird Selections Premium Protein is the ideal blend for bluebirds warblers chickadees nuthatches and wrens. Other ingredients: sunflower peanuts mixed feed nuts dehydrated mealworms calcium carbonate mineral oil flaxseed oil mixed tocopherols vitamin A & E supplements riboflavin D- calcium pantothenate vitamin B-12 biotin and roughage products. Crude protein 19% crude fat 35% crude fiber 27%.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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