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The Ultimate Ultimate Detroit Tigers Trivia Book (Paperback)

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The Ultimate Ultimate Detroit Tigers Trivia Book (Paperback)
Product Description

A buzz is in the air... Baseball is back in the Motor City! And for the first time in nearly two decades so is Detroit Tiger Baseball Trivia. The Ultimate Ultimate Detroit Tigers Trivia Book: A Journey Through Detroit Tiger History By Way of Trivia. Containing over seven hundred and fifty questions that celebrate the one hundred plus years of Detroit Tiger baseball The Ultimate Ultimate Detroit Tigers Trivia Book is a unique fun and interactive way to take a nostalgic stroll through the history of one of baseball s most storied franchises. Written by a lifelong Detroit Tiger fan for Detroit Tiger fans this highly original question and answer book was inspired by a deep pride in my hometown team and was composed not only to challenge the minds of my fellow Detroit Tiger fans but also to bring back those cherished memories moments and players that have brought so much happiness and enjoyment to Tiger fans over the years. So are you a True Detroit Tiger Fan? -Which Detroit Tiger was the only pitcher to pitch to both Babe Ruth and Mickey Mantle in a major league game? -Which Detroit Tiger was the last player to play in the Negro Leagues and then play the major leagues? -Who was the last Tiger hitter to win the A.L. MVP? -Which Tiger was the youngest player in American League history? -Who were the Detroit Tigers that would later go on to be part of the infamous 1919 Black Sox? Play along jog your Detroit Tiger memory and find the answer to these questions and so many more in The Ultimate Ultimate Detroit Tigers Trivia Book.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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