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Smokey Robinson - Lost and Found: Alone Came Love (1958-1964) - Music & Performance - CD

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Product Name
Smokey Robinson - Lost and Found: Alone Came Love (1958-1964) - Music & Performance - CD
Product Description

At one point during it s heyday 75% of Motown s releases made the charts! a time of writing and performing frenzy it was not unusual for many fine performances to be lost or forgotten. Not any more! Lost & Found titles feature rare tracks AND never before heard songs (in any form by any artist!). Featuring 6 very rare singles that have been M.I.A for over 30 years this ballad-filled set is pure Smokey - wide-eyed and hungry! One highlight is a raving life rendition of Shop Around.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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