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Sawyer Products SP140 Personal Water Bottle Filter 34-Ounce Blue

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Product Name
Sawyer Products SP140 Personal Water Bottle Filter 34-Ounce Blue
Product Description

To those who prefer self-contained water filtration systems this is the system for you. Simply scoop water and continue the adventure. For a lightweight and fast solution to clean water in the backcountry or for international travel the Sawyer Water Treatment Bottle is the way to go. Fill up the bottle directly from a lake stream or creek and drink instantly without any residual chemical tastes. This water treatment bottle comes with Sawyer s ONE MILLION GALLON GUARANTEE. The Hollow Fiber Membrane filter physically removes particles 99.9% of bacteria and 99.9% of Protozoa down to 0.1 micron absolute in size including Giardia Salmonella and Cryptosporidia. There s such little resistance that you could even squeeze the water out of the bottle. And you can adapt the standard 63mm cap to your existing bottle. Bottle weight: 5 oz. Bottle capacity: 32 oz.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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