Product info
Product Description The finest Orange carnations. A box contains 8 bouquets of 25 carnations each. Carnations are 20 inches long.Your flowers and roses are shipped absolutely fresh direct from the greenhouses to you via FedEx. Globalrose sells wholesale flowers and wholesale roses at prices that are usually lower than most local wholesalers. Your flowers are cut specially for you 3 days before they are deliveOrange to your doorColor tones for all flowers and roses may vary due to the computer monitor and/or Mother Nature. Product Description Carnations named for the Greek dios referring to the god Zeus and anthos meaning flower. The fragrant carnations are available in many colors. They are the impeccable bloom for parties wedding bouquets and wedding table centerpieces special gifts for your loved ones or just because you need to treat yourself to their beauty. Our beautiful high quality carnations come in an assortment of quantities and stem lengths so you are sure to find the one that matches your needs. Beautiful combination of carnations. A box contains 4 bunches of 25 carnations each.Carnations are 20 inches long.Your pink carnations and roses are shipped absolutely fresh direct from the greenhouses to you. 100 White Carnations The most beautiful and spectacular White Carnations. Absolutely fresh Flowers: Carnations. Our flowers and white carnationsare cut specially for you your loved one or special event such as birthdays valentine´s day mother´s day . Spectacular and colorful selection of Color Carnations All our white Color carnations are harvest in greenhouses using the latest equipment offered so we can assure excellence every single day.GlobalRose is defying the traditional fresh flower supply chain. The essence of flowers is not only their beauty but also their ability to communicate positive feelings. Fresh Cut Natural Carnations These white carnations are the perfect flowers for red themed weddings proms birthdays and showering your loved one with red flowers. But of course these are just few of the uses your imagination and the ideas of using these beautiful carnations are infinite. Our Long Stem White Carnations Evoke an Unmatched Classic Elegance.
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